Saturday, February 4, 2023

Amazon: Faraday Bag Smartphone Sleeve - Signal Block Shielding technology is trusted by the US Government and Global Enterprise Companies

Amazon: Faraday Bag Smartphone Sleeve - Signal Block Shielding technology is trusted by the US Government and Global Enterprise Companies

Snippet of Article: "TRUSTED BRAND & TECHNOLOGY: Silent Pocket is the only patented Faraday Bag / Faraday Cage system on the market. Our proprietary anti-hacking and anti-tracking wireless shielding technology is trusted by the US Government and Global Enterprise Companies. When it comes to your safety and data security, trust the best! ...Faraday sleeves are the easiest and most secure option to disconnect your device(s) from the digital realm. By placing a phone or device inside you are blocking Cellular, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, EMR, EMP, EMF, and Radiation. It’s like magic! Use this phone bag when you want to be disconnected, undetectable, untraceable, and unhackable. ..."


Faraday Bag, EMP Protection, Key Fob Protection, Smart Phone Protection, Electronic Protection, Bugout Bag Necessity, Tested Faraday Sleeves and bags, EMF Radiation Protection, Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack protection,