Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Thanks to Biden’s Open Borders, in Dem Cities it’s Black vs. Brown

Thanks to Biden’s Open Borders, in Dem Cities it’s Black vs. Brown

Snippet of Article: " Chicago, the BLM rioters and their white Democrat Socialist handlers did did not tear up the old and iconic Latino neighborhoods on 18th and 26th street. Why is that? Because Latino street gangs publicly threatened to shoot Black Lives Matter rioters if they were found in the Hispanic neighborhoods. And so, BLM backed off. ...President Joe Biden’s failed immigration policy is completely broken and collapses in pieces upon the heads of the people, increasing tension and animosity to the point of violence... It was Joe Biden who, at the beginning of his last campaign called for immigrants both legal and illegal to rush to the southern border, and “Surge to get across.” ... journalists congratulated Team Biden on their tactical brilliance in taking tax dollars away from red states to subsidize the blue cities in blue states like Illinois. Now, I don’t think there is a national appetite for another migrant bailout...Remember it was Biden who told black voters that “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Put y’all back in chains. "


Remember it was Biden who told black voters that “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t black.”,