Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Biden's 'Border Order' Promises To Continue The Foreign Invasion Of America

Biden announces border ‘crackdown’ that will still let in at least 1.8 million illegally per year

Snippet of Article: " a “crackdown” that will still allow at least 1.8 million asylum seekers into America each year even if fully enforced. ...Hundreds of thousands more have been allowed into the US using the CBP One app, with 529,250 migrants to gain admission as of the end of this month since appointments increased to 1,450 per day last June. Biden announced the program in January 2023. Additionally, Biden has ushered roughly 360,000 more migrants per year into the country through a mass parole scheme allowing Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans to fly directly to America. ..."


Biden Foreign Invasion Welcome Wagon,Biden's Border Order,