Sunday, June 30, 2024

Disgusting! The Kind of Wife You Do Not Want | The Immoral 'Doctor' Jill Biden Feeds Hubby Joe to the Dogs ...and America!

Jill Biden and Dems committed elder abuse on Joe

Snippet of Article: "...Hur has proven is that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is not new, and it certainly wasn’t a secret. Jill Biden knew. His aides knew. Heck, James Clyburn, the entire Democratic establishment knew. ...This is elder abuse. And it’s a fraud on the American people. ... Biden’s desperate “My memory is fine!” press conference shows exactly why they keep him hidden away. ... Hur says Biden’s memory was “worse” in 2023 than it was in 2017. What will it be like two years from now? What will that do to the country? ... It’s a humiliation, and it’s one that they themselves caused. Jill Biden did this to her husband. His children, his staff, all the people who enabled this charade — this is on them. "


Elder Abuse, The Worst Kind of Wife, Democrats (Elder Abuse), Destruction of America,