Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wishy-Washy Joe Biden delivers an anti-gun speech hours after son convicted on 3 felony federal gun charges

Biden's Anti-Gun Speech Was a Trainwreck

Snippet of Article: "...The father of a gun felon delivering a speech on gun control—you can’t make that up. It was riddled with inaccuracies and overall strangeness. Biden spoke about how he convinced a Delaware fisherman to relinquish his “assault weapon.” Then, there was this jabberwocky about magazines that could carry “200 shells,” botched a Thomas Jefferson quote, spoke about teaching jobs he never had, and then trotted the lie that no one could own a cannon. The president also said that guns kill more children than car accidents or cancer and that the gun industry is the only sector protected by a legal shield–all of which are lies. ..."


2nd Amendment