Friday, August 2, 2024

Democrat Party Wants to Set Women Back | Title IX Rewrite Strips Away Protections For Women, Denies Women Equal Opportunity

Title IX Rewrite Strips Away Protections For Women, Denies Women Equal Opportunity

Snippet of Article: "...”Taking opportunities from women and giving them to men doesn’t enforce Title IX, it violates it. That was true before the Administration dropped this rule, and it is still true today.” - Jennifer C. Braceras... By claiming that Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of “gender identity,” a term never mentioned in the original statute, the Biden administration’s rewrite forces schools to let men who identify as women take women’s scholarships and invade women’s private spaces — including women’s athletic teams. Polling reflects that 69% of Americans believe athletes should play on teams that correspond with their biological sex. ..."

Source: Independent Women's Forum

Independent Women's Forum, Democrat Attacks on Women, Attacks on Title IX (Democrats),