Friday, August 30, 2024

This is and will be America Under Kamala Harris | Illegals/Armed Gangs/Crime in Rotting Denver, Colorado

Colorado City Council Member Says ‘Denver Is the Problem’ as Migrant Gangs Occupy Housing

Snippet of Article: "...Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky is bringing national attention to the migrant gangs that are being welcomed by the Biden-Harris administration and their Denver Democrat allies.

“This is a problem that is not just a Denver Metro area problem … [it] stems from a failed southern border,” Jurinsky exclusively told Breitbart News on Thursday.

“This is not just happening in Aurora, Colorado, I cannot stress that enough. ... A shocking video went viral showing armed members of the gang parading through the halls of an apartment building in Aurora, threatening citizens, and working to take control of the area.



Gangs/Illegals Have Taken Over Denver Colorado, The Harris/Biden Years, Sanctuary City Fails, Venezuelan-gangs run Denver Colorado,