Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

Thanks, Biden-Harris—Cops Estimate Up to 75 Percent of Manhattan Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

Snippet of Article: "...Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate foisted on America by the Democrat political machine—a vice president who has never in her life won a delegate in a Democratic primary—has been releasing ludicrous ads lately claiming she’d be tough on the border. What an absolute joke. Tell that to the police who patrol the streets of Manhattan, some of whom claim that up to 75 percent of all the crimes committed in the Big Apple are by illegal aliens. ..."

Source: redstate.com

Kamala Harris for President, Border Czar Kamala Harris, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg,