Friday, December 3, 2010

Bipartisan Debt Commission Fails to Get the Votes

Article Title: Bipartisan Debt Commission Fails to Get the Votes

Snippet of Article: " failed to get the 14 votes from its members required to send its proposal to Congress, according to media reports. The 59-page program of recommendations to slash the deficit by $4 billion over 10 years had something in it to offend everyone..."

Source: Federal Employee Pay, Federal Pay Freeze

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

President freezes federal employee locality pay at 2010 levels

Locality Pay Frozen!

Article Title: Letter from the President Regarding an Alternative Pay Plan

Snippet of Article: "...Under the authority of section 5304a of title 5, United States Code, I have determined that the current locality pay percentages in Schedule 9 of Executive Order 13525 of December 23, 2009, shall not increase from their 2010 levels. Pursuant to the Non Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2009 (sections 1911 1919, Public Law 111 84), I am also establishing applicable 2011 locality pay rates for Alaska and Hawaii that are based on 2010 locality pay levels...."


2011 Locality Pay, Federal employee locality pay, locality pay freeze, Federal Alternative Pay Plan,

Van Hollen Criticizes Obama’s Pay Freeze for Federal Workers

Article Title: Van Hollen Criticizes Obama’s Pay Freeze for Federal Workers

Snippet of Article: "...“By focusing exclusively on federal employees, the administration runs the risk of reinforcing the myth, pushed by some for politically convenient but cynical reasons, that America suffers from a federal government comprised of unproductive and overpaid civil servants,” Mr. Van Hollen said. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”..."

Source: Federal pay freeze, Rep. Chris Van Hollen,

Federal Employee Union Denounces Attack on Working Class


Snippet of Article: "...Obama asks federal workers to share the sacrifice, but it’s unconscionable for him to attack the wages of federal working people while the millionaires and billionaires on Wall Street not only get their bailouts and astronomical bonuses; they also get their tax cuts,” concluded Gage...."

Source: Federal employee pay freeze

Monday, November 29, 2010

Postmaster General gets 'quarter-million dollars in incentive pay in 2010

Article Title: Postmaster General gets 'quarter-million dollars in incentive pay in 2010

Snippet of Article: "...Postal Service recently announced $8.5 billion in losses for 2010. Nonetheless, it paid Mr. Potter $228,088 in extra incentive pay..."

Source:The Washington Times via The Postal Briefing

Postal executive pay

2011 and 2012 Federal Employee Pay Freeze

Article Title: Obama proposes freezing federal civilian pay

Snippet of Article: "...Federal civilian employees' pay would be frozen in 2011 and 2012 under a proposal..."

Source: federal civilian pay freeze, federal employee pay, federal worker pay freeze, 2011 federal civilian pay freeze,2012 federal civilian pay freeze,

Article Title: I Am Thankful for TSA Workers

Snippet of Article: "...TSA workers have one of the worst jobs in America. Reports and surveys by the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general show morale among TSA workers is at record lows for the federal workforce..."

Source: TSA, Department of Homeland Security,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two thirds of voters want federal payroll cut

Article Title: Two thirds of voters want federal payroll cut

Snippet of Article: "...They also believe government employees work less and have more job security, according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone. ..."

Source: government employees,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Social Security worker charged over fake ID cards

Article Title: Social Security worker charged over fake ID cards

Snippet of Article: "...A longtime employee of the Social Security Administration faces federal charges for allegedly creating and selling bogus Social Security cards...."

Source: Social Security Fraud

Friday, November 19, 2010

Investors make slight shifts to higher-risk TSP funds

Article Title: Investors make slight shifts to higher-risk TSP funds

Snippet of Article: "...Most of the fund movement is out of the "safe" G fund into high-risk funds, Trabucco said. ..."

Source: TSP trends, TSP,

Huge increases in some FEHB plans cause for change during Open Season

Article Title: As feds look to cut costs, lower-premium health plans gain enrollees

Snippet of Article: "...Al Dileo, vice president of Mail Handlers' account management, said the company's popularity is due in good part to its value plan, which "offers the lowest premium among FEHBP's nationwide fee-for-service plans." That plan saw enrollment jump 60 percent from 11,000 to 17,600 enrollees over the past year...."


Thursday, November 18, 2010

AFGE union joins foes of nominee for marshals post

Article Title: AFGE union joins foes of nominee for marshals post

Snippet of Article: "...saying Justice Department veteran Stacia Hylton's recent six-figure consulting deal with a private prison company makes her "ill-suited" for the job...."


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Federal Charges of Defrauding Federal Workers' Compensation Program

Article Title: Burbank Brothers Arraigned on Federal Charges of Defrauding Federal Workers' Compensation Program

Snippet of Article: "...allegedly billed a government workers’ compensation program for patient transportation in Los Angeles and Orange Counties that never occurred. The indictment also alleges that the brothers grossly inflated the amount of their claims to the Department of Labor - Office of Workers Compensation ( DOL-OWCP )..."

Source: Defrauding Federal Workers' Compensation Program

More layoffs possible for NASA contractors

Article Title: More layoffs possible for NASA contractors

Snippet of Article: "...The outgoing congress authorized NASA's new program but didn't fund it, and funding isn't expected to come until..."


Friday, November 12, 2010

Federal pay raise challenge

Article Title: Federal pay raise challenged, but union head defends it

Snippet of Article: "...misleading and "paints an inaccurate picture of the workforce and makes a flawed argument against the proposed 1.4 percent pay raise for federal employees," according to Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union. ..."

Source: Federal Computer Week Federal Pay Raise, 2010, 2011,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More open season news

Article Title: Open season set for three civilian benefit programs

Snippet of Article: "...The Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, extended the age children may remain covered under their parents' FEHB plans, self and family enrollment, to age 26. Those already enrolled in self and family coverage do not need to re-enroll during open season. New enrollees should contact their health benefits provider to add eligible children effective Jan. 1, 2011. Employees not enrolled in FEHB, or enrolled in self-only coverage, can elect self and family coverage to add newly eligible children during open season.

Source: open season

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah wants to cut Fed pay by 10%

Article Title: Growing disparity in Feds' have-nots and have-lots

Snippet of Article: "...Chaffetz favors a pay freeze and 10 percent pay cut. On average, federal employees are paid 24 percent less than their private sector..."


Monday, November 8, 2010

Paul: I'll Cut Fed Workers, Wages 10%

Article Title: Paul: I'll Cut Fed Workers, Wages 10%

Snippet of Article: "..."I would freeze federal hiring. I would maybe reduce federal employees by 10%. I'd probably reduce their wages by 10%. The average federal employee ..."

Source: Federal Employee Wages, Federal Pay, Federal Job Cuts,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inflation on the way compliments of the Fed. Can you feel it now?

Article Title: Fed prints the money, consumers pay the price

Snippet of Article: "...The Fed wants inflation and, lo and behold, it's getting it ..."

Source: inflation, government induced inflation, The Federal Reserve,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Federal Career Intern Program

Article Title: Federal Career Intern Program

Snippet of Article: "...The Federal Career Intern Program is designed to help agencies recruit and attract exceptional individuals into a variety of occupations. It was created under Executive Order 13162, and is intended for positions at grade levels GS-5, 7, and 9. In general, individuals are appointed to a 2-year internship. Upon successful completion of the internships, the interns may be eligible for permanent placement within an agency.

Individuals interested in Career Intern opportunities must contact specific agencies directly. The Office of Personnel Management will not be the central source for career intern opportunities. ..."

Source: Federal Career Intern Program

Friday, November 5, 2010

NASA Shooting at Glenn Research Center Just a Test

Article Title: NASA’s Glenn Research Center Locked Down 11/05/2010 – Shooting?

Snippet of Article: "...All we know is that the NASA facility is locked down, and it is because of a situation which may include a gun. Fox News speculates that there could be a gunman inside building 77..."

Source: Shooting At NASA, Glenn Research Center, Lockdown,

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ex-federal employee sentenced in Fort Peck embezzlement case

Article Title: Ex-federal employee sentenced in Fort Peck embezzlement case

Snippet of Article: "...A former federal employee was sentenced Tuesday for his involvement in an embezzlement scheme that stole around $1 million from the Fort Peck Tribal Credit Program...."


Friday, October 29, 2010

Extending Health Care Coverage for Young Adults During Open Season

Article Title: Extending Health Care Coverage for Young Adults During Open Season

Remember, under the Affordable Care Act, young adults will be allowed to stay on their parents' plan until they turn 26 years old unless they are offered insurance at work.

Source: The Federal Newsgroup health care and age,

Panel to consider federal pay raises

Article Title: Panel to consider federal pay raises

Snippet of Article: "...where the pay of federal workers stands in relation to private-sector salaries. Given that last year's numbers put federal pay an average of 22 percent behind the private sector..."

Source: Federal employee pay,