Monday, May 2, 2022

Why does Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas want to stop Title 42?

Why does Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas want to stop Title 42?

There are two main reasons the administration desires illegals in the U.S., economics and votes. So how would the ending of Title 42 play to the advantage of the Biden administration and the actions or more accurately the inaction of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas? It's very simple. The lowering of the wages of the U.S. citizens in an effort to increase profits of corporations and small business. Title 42 requires asylees, refugees, illegals, etc. to remain in Mexico until their case for asylum is approved or disapproved, but without Title 42 they can remain in the states. So the answer is simply Asylees and refugees can legally work in the U.S. with an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). If more than 150 days have passed and their case has not yet been decided then they are permitted an exception and can legally work. As far as illegals not requesting or unqualified for asylum, they simply remain in the U.S. where the laws are rarely enforced to remove them. So the administration permits the huge border invasions to purposely slow the processing and case ajudication so much that it overwhelms the system allowing the individuals to remain in the country and legally work and eventually work and have the ability to reap money, benefits,education and medical care. The government claims that illegals are not provided these benefits by the government but what they do is fund private/volunteer organizations to provide these services thus insisting the government does not do so. This in turn takes jobs from minorities, ill-educated individuals, young individuals seeking employment and retirees trying to survive on Social Security.

Source: The Federal News Group

Title 42,Alejandro Mayorkas,Biden Legacy,Secretary of Homeland Security,Employment Authorization Document (EAD),