Showing posts with label 9/11 attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11 attack. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2001: A World Trade Center Survivor's Account

September 11, 2001: A World Trade Center Survivor's Account

Snippet of Article: "...September 11, 2001: I started my daily commute routine from my apartment at 76th and Lexington in Manhattan’s Upper East Side to my World Trade Center (WTC) Tower 2 office. Getting to the 77th Street/Lexington Avenue subway station around my usual 7:40 a.m., I found that the downtown local was running late, but I was happy to see my three buddies on the train. They had the same commute as I did (they worked in WTC 1), and they were often feeling the morning effects of a previous night’s socializing; I enjoyed teasing them on the way to work about what a long day it was going to be. We had gotten into a conversation about college football one morning, and we had made plans to meet up that weekend with various friends to watch the kickoff of a new season. I bid them “later,” after we made plans to meet up after work that day at the Sphere fountain in the WTC plaza for the commute home...."


September 11 2001,9/11 attack,

Monday, September 11, 2023

In Memorial to the Saudi Attack on America Sept. 11, 2001

Article Title: In Memorial to the Saudi Attack on America Sept. 11, 2001


Source: Federal Employee News

[tag] Saudi Attack on America Sept. 11,2001,Saudis and 9/11,9/11 attacks, [/tag]