Showing posts with label Bank Crisis 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bank Crisis 2024. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

How's the Economy Really Doing? | US regional banks face a reckoning

US regional banks face a reckoning

Snippet of Article: "The Fed wants to whip regional lenders into shape, fearing a ticking time bomb in the souring commercial real estate market...Michael Barr, shared the Federal Reserve’s direction of travel in a speech to the Columbia Law School annual banking conference in February. The writing is on the wall for regional banks: more scrutiny, more supervision, more rules. ...Given that regional bank chiefs had an easier ride under the Donald Trump administration, they must be crossing their fingers and toes that, come November 5, the White House turns from blue to red."


regional banks face a reckoning, Bank Crisis 2024, Skirting Dodd-Frank to Protect the Wealthy, Systemic Risk Exception, More Rules Are Useless Without Enforcement,