Showing posts with label Delegates of the DNC Manipulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delegates of the DNC Manipulation. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Harris 'Fix is in' | Alabama Democratic Leader Says Delegates Attending DNC Are Not The Ones They Recommend

AL democratic leader says delegates attending DNC are not the ones they recommend

Snippet of Article: "HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) -The chair of the Democrat State Party is claiming that the list of delegates voted on back in March, was hand-picked by the Biden-Harris administration-not the state party.

Alabama Democratic State Chair Randy Kelley says this not only reduces the number of black delegates but also the amount of younger delegates. ...Administrations are allowed to strike delegates but Kelley says it’s never been done to this level before. “This shenanigans not only reduced black representation, but it also reduced our young democratic representation,” Kelley said. “And if George Wallace had done it as racist as he was, it would have been the major news story on every television station.”..."


Democrat Party Cancels Blacks and Young Voters, Delegate Manipulation by the Democrat Party, Election Interference of the Democrat Party, Democrat Coup to cancel any competition at the Democrat National Convention,