Showing posts with label Federal Workforce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal Workforce. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Federal Worker Shortage Coming With Mass Retirement Wave Possible

Article Title: Wave of federal retirees to hit government

Snippet of Article: "...30% of the federal workforce will be eligible to retire in the next three years, according to a Government Accountability Office report. That means the government could be hit by a wave of retirements at a time when it is already dealing with inadequate staffing..."


Friday, September 18, 2009

Health Coverage Not Universal For Federal Workforce

Article Title: Health Coverage Not Universal For Federal Workforce
Snippet of Article: "...But one overlooked aspect of the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program is that many federal workers go without health insurance for themselves or members of their families. ..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Lesson for Obama on Reaching Out to the Federal Workforce

Article Title: A Lesson for Obama on Reaching Out to the Federal Workforce
Snippet from Article: "...Obama's agenda may initially be tied to action by Congress, but it will be implemented by the federal workforce, and the ultimate success of his administration will rest with the capacity of the government to perform. ..."

[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]