Showing posts with label ICE (Agencies Assisting the Illegal Invasion Of America). Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICE (Agencies Assisting the Illegal Invasion Of America). Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New ICE Info Reveals the Disaster the Immigration System Has Become Under Joe Biden

New ICE Info Reveals the Disaster the Immigration System Has Become Under Joe Biden

Snippet of Article: "...The non-detained docket of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) currently numbers around 7.4 million cases and is on par to reach eight million by the end of this year. For a bit of perspective, that is double what it was during Donald Trump's presidency. When you break that down in terms of workload for each ICE agent, that comes out to about 7,000 cases apiece. There are only around 6,000 deportation officers nationwide, and they are not all assigned to the non-detained docket. But even if they were, do some math, and that comes out to just 42,000 cases being handled at any given time, a completely impossible workload. Immigrants who are non-detained means they are not currently in ICE custody. These are immigrants who have entered the country illegally and have been released into the country with one of those infamous years-from-now court dates...."


Biden's Foreign Invasion of Southern Border,