Showing posts with label Jaun Merchan's Corrupt Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaun Merchan's Corrupt Court. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

CNN Analyst Predicts Trump's Conviction Will Be Overturned Due to 'Number of Significant Issues'

CNN Analyst Predicts Trump's Conviction Will Be Overturned Due to 'Number of Significant Issues'

Snippet of Article: "...CNN legal analyst Mark O’Mara predicted that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict will be appealed due to a “number of significant issues.”

O’Mara said that the odds are in Trump’s favor after 12 jurors found the former president guilty in a sham case regarding 34 charges brought against him in the New York hush money trial.

He suggested that the trial was handled unprofessionally and therefore will grant Trump a successful appeal. O’Mara put aside the fact that the case involved Trump and claimed that Judge Juan Merchan did not deliver a fair and honest trial.

“We don’t talk about Donald Trump anymore. We talk about the defensibility case ..."


Jaun Merchan's Corrupt Court, Lawfare vs.Trump,

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Legal Scholar Attends Trump Trial, Demolishes Judge Merchan's Prejudicial Conduct

Judge Merchan's Prejudicial Conduct

Snippet of Article: "...absolutely eviscerated Merchan’s conduct as he oversees this abomination on our legal system. ...the judge made some rulings that were absurd. Any first-year evidence student would understand that he was making biased rulings in favor of one side. ...This trial is an absolute embarrassment for America, but it’s hard to know whether a New York jury can see through the insanity and vote “not guilty.” "


Jaun Merchan's Corrupt Court, Judge Merchan's Prejudicial Conduct, America Hating Judges,Destruction of the Rule of Law,