Showing posts with label Palestinian Hamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestinian Hamas. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

MEDIA COVER-UP: Palestinian Chronicle, U.S. Leftist Press Goes Into Overdrive After 'Journalist' Caught Holding Hostages

COVER-UP: Palestinian Chronicle, U.S. Press Go Into Overdrive After 'Journalist' Caught Holding Hostages

Snippet of Article: "...the hostages were being kept in alleged civilian households. Fierce fighting broke out, with a "journalist" named Abdullah Al Jamal killed as one of the apartments was breached. ... mainstream press facilitating the cover-up, though. The "Palestinian Chronicle," a U.S.-based non-profit that claims to be a valid news source regarding Gaza and the West Bank, started scrubbing its website of who Al Jamal was. ...COVER UP: The US-based Palestine Chronicle (a 501c3 nonprofit based in Washington State) is attempting to cover up evidence of its ties to a Gaza terrorist and Hamas spokesperson. Its staffer in question, Abdallah Aljamal, took 3 Israelis hostage before being neutralized"


Biden Democrat Media Cover-Up, Palestinian Hamas,