Showing posts with label Postal Service Consolidation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Postal Service Consolidation. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

APWU Welcomes Reversal of Partial Postal Service Consolidation Efforts, Keeping Mail Processing Local at More Facilities

APWU Welcomes Reversal of Partial USPS Consolidation Efforts, Keeping Mail Processing Local at More Facilities

Snippet of Article: "...Recently management has announced a reversal of some previous consolidation efforts and now plan to keep processing of “local mail local” in a number of locations previously expected to have that work moved long distances as part of management’s network modernization plans.

“While the union is still assessing these newly announced changes and seeking more clarification and details, we welcome what appears to be some positive steps in the right direction..."


Postal Service Consolidation,mail processing network consolidations,Consolidation,