Showing posts with label Revenge Trials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revenge Trials. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Sham Democrat Trial Against Trump Continues With Prejudiced, Proven Liar Who Stated His Hope For Revenge

Trump’s NYC trial: Michael Cohen admits to lying under oath, calling Trump ‘dumbass Donald’— ‘F–king hope this man ends up in prison’

Snippet of Article: "“I truly f–king hope this man ends up in prison,” Cohen said in the tape, later adding, “You better believe I want this man to go down and rot for what he did to me and my family”...Cohen has admitted today to lying to Congress, to a federal judge, and to federal investigators... Donald Trump attorney Todd Blanche asked, "Does the outcome of this trial affect you personally?" "Yes," Michael Cohen responded. "


Michael Cohen, Proven Liars As Witnesses, Biased Justice vs President Trump,