Showing posts with label Weak Biden Administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weak Biden Administration. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Why Won't 'Hamas Joe" Biden Get America Jewish Hostages Out Of Gaza

Israel: Dozens of Hostages Held in Gaza Remain Alive

Snippet of Article: "...Many of the 120 hostages who remain in Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip are believed to be alive, a senior Israeli official involved in ongoing negotiations with the terrorist organization said on Tuesday. "Dozens are alive with certainty," the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to not being authorized to speak to the press, told AFP. He claimed the vast majority of the captives are being held by Hamas, and not by other terror groups in the coastal enclave...."


Weak Biden Administration,'Hamas Joe' Biden,Anti-Semite Biden Admin,