Article Title: Will Federal Employees furloughed in a shutdown get paid after the shutdown? Yes
Snippet of Article: "Yes. After the lapse in appropriations has ended, employees who were furloughed as the
result of the lapse will receive retroactive pay for those furlough periods. (See 31 U.S.C.
1341(c)(2).) Retroactive pay will be provided on the earliest date possible after the lapse
ends, regardless of scheduled pay dates. (See 31 U.S.C. 1341(c)(2).) If retroactive pay
cannot be provided by the normal pay date for the given pay period, it will be provided as
soon as possible thereafter. Retroactive pay is provided at the employee’s “standard rate of
pay.” (See Question D.4. Note that retroactive pay may be zero if an employee was
scheduled (before the lapse took effect) to be in a nonpay status during the period when the
lapse was in effect.)"