Showing posts with label Unsafe Workplace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unsafe Workplace. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Feds Can Do if Called Back to an Unsafe Workplace

What Feds Can Do if Called Back to an Unsafe Workplace

Snippet of Article: "...a fearful worker could conceivably seek to continue their existing posture of full-time telework. “The reality for federal employees is that the government has discretion to determine whether or not to allow telework, but they cannot use that discretion in an inequitable manner,” Friedman said. “So the first thing that feds should focus on is if they’ve been allowed to telework up until now, and they’re suddenly told that’s going to be taken away, they should ensure that’s a policy issued to all employees and not just targeted toward some. If it is targeted, perhaps there’s a potential [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] issue or a prohibited practice issue.”..."


telework, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Unsafe Workplace, Coronavirus, COVID-19,